Conn-Link Technology Inc. supports customers the best services association, to provide customers’ innovation, high quality and competitive projects.; Our factories not only improve our Research; Development technologies and Quality Control systems, but also setup a coup of high precision equipments based on our production inquire. We also upgrade and increase our equipments if production process is necessary.
Equipments of Cable Assembly Factory:
- Circle cable Extruder : 20 Sets
- Flat cable Extruder : 3 Sets
- Knitting machine : 135 Sets
- Twist Copper machine : 30 Sets
- Enlacing machine : 20 Sets
- Winding machine : 20 Sets
- Molding machine : 29 Sets
- Production lines : 15 ropes
Equipments of Connector Factory:
- High-Speed Continuous Automatic Punch
- Plastic Injection Machine
- Insert Molding Machine
- Precision Optical Milling Machine
- Precision Surface-Grinding Machine
- Numeral Control Wire Cut Machine
- Precision Electric Discharge to process Machine
- Assembly Machine Series
- Terminal Cutting Machine Series
- Mold Temperature Controller
- Cabinet Dryer
- Plastic Deflasher